Dns 323 Application Pack Download
Contents. DNS-323 is a great little NAS storage, able to host 4 Tb of data thru 2 SATA hard disks up to 2 Tb each. It offers a lot of embedded possibilities (samba & nfs shares, iTunes server, uPnp server.). Thanks to a very active community, its possibilities can be expanded even more thru a scripting method called funplug. It allows to start some more services, shaping the DNS-323 into a very versatile appliance. This article explains all the steps needed to get the latest Funplug 0.7 running on a DNS-323.
Once Funplug is fully installed, you will be able to install some very usefull extensions like a LAMP server, a Rsync backup server, a Transmission client. It also explains how to remove previous Funplug 0.5 version, which is a pre-requisite. All following operations have been done on a DNS 323 (firmware v1.10) with one or two disks, but no RAID configured. 1. Uninstall Funplug 0.5 This section only interests you if you have a Funplug 0.5 running on your DNS-323, as both version cannot run at the same time.
Funplug 0.3 has to be properly uninstalled, prior to Funplug 0.7 installation. Uninstallation of Funplug 0.5 is very easy, but it involves few steps:. On Volume1 share, rename funplug to funplug.v05.
Reboot your NAS. After reboot, on Volume1 share, rename ffp directory to ffp.v05 Funplug 0.5 is now uninstalled in a reversible way. As you've noticed, all the files are still there. In case you want to reinstall it, just rename the file and directory with their original name and reboot. 2. Install Funplug 0.7 All the commands starting with $ have to be executed from your desktop. All the commands starting with # have to be executed from the DNS-323 console. Download following files from and place them at the root of your Volume1 network share.
funplug. funplug.tgz Then, reboot your NAS. If everything has gone fine,you will get a new ffp.log file at the root of Volume1. Root@NAS:# wget -O /ffp/sbin/store-passwd.sh.
Saving to: '/ffp/sbin/store-passwd.sh' 100% 875 -.-K/s in 0s 2012-05-22 12:29:52 (7.45 MB/s) - '/ffp/sbin/store-passwd.sh' saved 875/875 root@NAS:# store-passwd.sh Saving Userdata to flash storage Mounting flash. Updating files. /sys/mtd2/smbpasswd Unmounting flash. If you get an error message with 'bad address', your NAS internet configuration should not be set properly. Next step is to:. make ssh daemon executable so that it starts automatically at every boot. start the daemon (to avoid a reboot) Note that first start may take a while, because on first run ssh generates key pairs.
Therefore some funny looking images are printed. At last, it will start /ffp/sbin/sshd.
Root@NAS:# chmod a+x /ffp/start/sshd.sh root@NAS:# sh /ffp/start/sshd.sh start Generating public/private rsa1 key pair. Your identification has been saved in /ffp/etc/ssh/sshhostkey. Your public key has been saved in /ffp/etc/ssh/sshhostkey.pub. E S + = o. +-+ Starting /ffp/sbin/sshd The SSH daemon is now running. DO NOT close the telnet session to prevent from locking yourself accidentally out of the machine. From your desktop, open a second SSH session on your NAS.
# chmod -x /ffp/start/telnetd.sh From now, every time your NAS will boot, SSH daemon will be started and Telnet daemon won't. You are done!
The basic Funplug 0.7 extension is now installed and operational on your DNS-323. 3. Declare Software repositories One of the strengh of funplug is the number of applications available as additionnal packages from some specific repository. All these packages will make life much more simple when it comes to install some software on the NAS. 3.1. Add package sources Funplug 0.7 comes with a brand new software installer called slacker.
We first need to declare all available repositories for slacker in /ffp/etc/funpkg/sites. The following list is not exhaustive. It is the one available at the time of this article.
The last command will update slacker cache with the content of the new repositories. # slacker -u To be on the safe side, only select packages in the list coming from system repository (package name starting with s:, at the end of the list).
You may select to upgrade system package by packages from other repositories, but it may bring some system instability. Do it at your own risk. I've got some reports that package memiks:uClibc-solibs-0.9.33-oarm-2.txz is broken.
Dns 323 Windows 10
Make sure not to select it in any case or your system may become broken. Update will take place.
4. Install Midnight Commander One of the first package to install is midnight commander. It is a very advanced console file manager, which is also providing an inbuilt text editor. It can replace vi, nano. Lets launch the software installer.